Book: Emerge, Blessings and Rituals for Unsheltering (prayers and liturgies)
Care-Filled Worship and Sacramental Life in a Lingering Pandemic: a comprehensive and updated guide from the Ecumenical Consultation on Protocols for Worship, Fellowship, and Sacraments (released June 9, 2021)
Guidelines for holding remote congregational meetings (PDF)
Establishing online giving platform: preferred ELCA vendors
How to Stream Your Worship Service–A Starter Guide
Augsburg Fortress Licensing Information
ELCA Worship in the Home resources: now available
*If you are not ready or able to stream, consider providing links to another congregation(s) that is. Connect with other leaders–local or not!
Update and Resources on COVID-19-related Benefits for ELCA Congregations, Synods, Other Ministries, and their Employees:
Summary: This is a summary document with links to other resources, including the documents below.
Families First Coronavirus Response Act – UCC Update
Summary of Cares Act Provisions: This dives much more into detail.
Paycheck Protection Program FAQ
From the CDC:
Get Your Community and Faith-Based Organizations Ready
Checklist for Community and Faith Leaders
From the MN Department of Health and Gov. Walz:
MN Department of Health Guidance Library
Decision Tree for People with COVID-19 Symptoms in Youth, Student, and Child Care Programs
Minnesota’s Stay Safe Plan
Emergency Executive Order 20-20 (Please note order 6 [pg. 4] and item 6.v. [pg. 8] as it applies to faith leaders and workers.)
From ELCA Churchwide:
Tracking Online Worship Attendance
ELCA Public Health
Worship in Times of Public Health Concerns
Prayers for Times of Public Health Concerns: COVID-19
Congregational Planning Checklist for Public Health Concerns
ELCA Advocacy in Time of COVID-19 Pandemic
Mission Investment Fund: Special Assistance