The ever-increasing cries of Creation in crisis could easily overwhelm us.
Instead let them serve as a clarion call to help bring life out of potential death, to help give renewed birth to all Creation, to all creatures including ourselves.
Join in becoming midwives of hope and healing. Like Shiphrah and Puah who defied Pharaoh and brought forth life in the midst of slavery and death, we know that every child, all life, all of Creation is worthy of saving through defiance and courage. Their story births something in us. These midwives become our models. They call and sing to us from the pages of Scripture – ‘Do likewise, O people, help bring forth life that staves off death.’
Keynote speaker Dr. Cynthia Moe-Lobeda, author, organizer, and theological ethicist, will lead us in naming the powers that are destroying the earth and introducing us to midwives of hope today.
Special presenter Dr. Kelly Sherman-Conroy, member of the Oglala Sioux Tribe, dynamic storyteller, poet, scholar, and the first Native woman to earn a PhD in theology within the ELCA, will invite us to share our stories, creation's stories, God's stories to inspire, equip, and empower one another in our labor.
The Summit will feature compelling speakers, enlivening worship, informative exhibits, opportunities for networking, and an array of engagement sessions for giving birth to strong, creative action in our congregations, camps, campuses, and communities. Morning refreshments, fresh local lunch, and a celebratory final reception are included in the day.
Registration costs:
In-person registration includes lunch, coffee, reception, and a folder of information. Free childcare is provided throughout the day. Everyone who registers will receive an online Summit Booklet. Scholarships are available.