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Photos: Moments during worship services where folks brought items to the altar and pictures of the piles of items collected.

Submitted by Nicolle Osterhout of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Rochester.

Hope…  Joy...  Peace...  Love...

Advent is a season of waiting for the birth of hope, joy, peace, and love in our world. But at Gloria Dei, we aren’t passively sitting around, vacantly staring at the ground, or scrolling on our phones. We actively prepare as our lives are in motion—and from this motion springs the tradition of the Gloria Dei Living Advent Wreath. For over a decade, this tradition has invited us to embody the spirit of Advent, transforming waiting into action and reflection into generosity.

Each week during Advent, as we light the candles on the wreath, we also build a Living Advent Wreath through acts of love and service. Members of the congregation are encouraged to bring specific items—food, clothing, or supplies—to be placed in designated boxes around the lighted Advent Wreath. By the end of the season, all the candles are lit, and the room is overflowing with tangible gifts of hope, joy, peace, and love, which are shared with those in need in our community. This practice reminds us that Advent is not a passive time but a vibrant and active journey, and the presence of Christ is symbolized by the light from the candles and the gifts for our neighbors in need.

For Hope, we gathered family hygiene products, offering dignity and comfort to those in need. For Joy, we collected waterproof gloves and boots to ensure children in our community could embrace the magic of winter, warm and carefree. For Peace, we focused on providing new underwear and socks, small but essential items that offer comfort and security. Finally, for Love, we brought laundry detergent and coins for laundromats, recognizing the transformative power of clean clothes in fostering confidence and care.

These gifts benefit neighbors in need, supporting organizations like Gage East, the Exchange, students in Rochester Public Schools, and even our own Threads clothing boutique ministry here at Gloria Dei. Together, we’ve created a Living Advent Wreath that embodies the light of Christ, not just in candles but in acts of compassion that ripple throughout our community.