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 Submitted by Sue Benson of First Lutheran Church, Lake City.

(Lake City) – We have been very blessed by the 2022 SEMN Food Ministry Grant money for immigrant Hispanic youth attending Lake City High School. Many of these students work before and/or after school, so they don’t have the opportunity to eat breakfast or dinner. The dollars received buy healthy snacks that hungry students can freely access. The items disappear quickly!  

This opportunity to share food has been a wonderful way of building relationships with these students. Last fall, we were blessed to have Kathy Chatelaine, Assistant to the Bishop for Global Ministry, lead a ‘Global Ministries Sunday’ worship at First Lutheran. Because of our relationship, a number of students came to that worship service. During coffee hour, they served our hungry congregation traditional Guatemalan food following the service!  Although with the challenges around COVID and a change in leadership at our church, widespread engagement around this ministry has been slow, awareness and interest is growing! Yay!!

Going forward, we hope to continue to support the needs of immigrant youth as we enjoy and learn from these amazing young people!


Learn more about the 2023 Synod Food Ministry Grant process here.