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Submitted by Laurie Moen, Care Team lead at Trinity Lutheran in Spring Grove.

(Spring Grove) – Trinity Lutheran Church in Spring Grove, Minnesota, feels very fortunate to have received food ministry grants from the Southeastern Minnesota Synod over the past two years. Trinity’s pastor, Care Team and Council appreciate the financial support!

‘Take What You Need – Give What You Can’ is the motto of Trinity’s LITTLE FREE PANTRY. The pantry can be accessed 24 hours a day–and is used often! On average, we spend $200-$250 monthly stocking the pantry with food from our local grocer. Community organizations, including local churches, provide additional donations. Recognizing how expensive groceries are, the Houston County Commissioners have greatly supported this ministry.

Food Insecurity is REAL here in Spring Grove and Houston County. In addition to the food pantry, Trinity’s Care Team engages in Health Initiative Program (HIP), packing food for school children to take home on weekends. Trinity also spends approximately $3500 on quality foods, small gifts, and grocery store gift cards to pack in our Christmas Cheer Bags. Last December, we delivered 43 bags to single individuals and families.

I think my favorite story about our congregation’s mission was when I delivered a Cheer Bag to a sweet lady that said, “Please, please, If it weren’t for the support and love I feel from the people at church, including the man that is mentoring me so I can help reading students at school, I’m not sure I would have made it. Please give my bag to someone that needs it more than me.”

We share this message with sincere gratitude for the 2022 Food Ministry Grant from our synod.