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Almost every week of the year, a new edition of the RC Weekly, this synod's email newsletter, is sent out to those on the list.

If you ever change your mind, just click on the "Update Profile" link at the bottom of any message, and select which lists you do or do not want to hear from. Want a complete break? Unselect all list options. Come back whenever you are ready.

Never want to receive a mass email from us ever again? Just click on the "Unsubscribe" link at the bottom of any mass email. This will prevent the synod from ever sending a mass email to that address again. (Unfortunately, this does include messages about events you may register for in the future.)

Unsubscribed before and now changed your mind? We get it! To rejoin any list, you will have to request a resubscribe link and instructions from the Director of Communications.

Add us to your contact list!


Adding our email address to your list of email contacts will improve the chances of you not missing a thing.

Also, consider creating a filter for all future incoming mail from the above address that tells your provider to never send it to spam.

Email problems?

Click on a concern below to see the solution.

If it has not been two full weeks since you signed up, it could be because we didn't send anything out yet. If you still haven't heard from us by the following week, come back here to continue your troubleshooting.

If your email address is a "role address," our service provider will block us from sending it to you. For example, if the username (the part before the @ symbol) is a generic term that covers a department or group, it may not send. Learn more about what and why that is from our service provider, Constant Contact.

If this explains your situation, the only solution is to use a different email address.

Alternatively, your employer may have tightened security regarding what makes it to your email inboxes. If this is you, you can share this with your management or IT team to see if they can help. Otherwise, your best option will be to use a personal email address.

In this case, please go to your email inbox and look in any spam, junk, or promotions folders you might have. Oftentimes, because we are sending to a lot of people, email providers try to be helpful and not show you things they believe could be junk mail. If you find us there, be sure and indicate that the message is not spam, and then add our address to your contacts list. This will help us make it to your inbox next time!

If you need further instructions on how to locate spam or other folders, try searching for instructions. Go to your favorite search engine (like google.com) and enter the name of your email provider (e.g. Yahoo, Gmail, etc.) followed by this phrase: "how to find spam messages."

In this case, a few things are possible...

1.  Your internet service provider (especially if your email is set up through a local provider or your workplace) could be blocking the message. This can happen because we send to a lot of people at once, and your service provider is trying to protect you. It just so happens we got caught in the filter.

You will need to reach out to your internet provider directly. Let them know what is being blocked and that it is truly not spam or junk. Learn more about addressing this problem here.

2. There is a firewall or security setting that needs to be updated. Depending on the security features your device or internet connection is using, this could be blocking our emails. Click here to find a list of web domains to add to your safelist that might help.

3. Your employer has tightened security regarding what makes it to your email inboxes. If this is you, you can share this with your management or IT team to see if they can help. Otherwise, your best option will be to use a personal email address.

If you are still stuck, you may reach out to the Director of Communications to find out if your emails are bouncing back and to verify your details are entered properly. (Please go through the solutions provided above, first.)

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