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There is a need for welcoming messages and kind words for people seeking refuge and safety in faith-based shelters in the U.S./Mexico borderlands. In partnership with Border Servant Corps, the Southeastern Minnesota Synod’s AMMPARO Team created a ministry for individuals and congregations to share the love of Jesus by creating a card with an encouraging word for migrant minors and their families.

There are a variety of ways congregations can inspire and encourage their members to write these cards of welcome. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • A bible study group writes cards as part of their time together
  • Sunday School children copy notes and the younger children add a drawing to the cards as a service or craft project
  • Pass cards out during worship for all present to write a message and then add them to the offering
  • An at-home family project: send a packet of five cards home for family faith time and return them during worship
  • Sponsor a “booth” to have people stop by and write a card of welcome

Please download the Resource Guide document below for more information, including useful phrases in Spanish and what to do with your cards when they are ready.