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Who is welcome:
Any ministry professionals or volunteers who are part of the communications work in your ministry setting.

Tuesday, Oct. 24
11 AM - 1:30 PM

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Rochester, and
online via Zoom.


This workshop will gather communicators in the same space to connect and explore the concept of having a communications plan in your ministry setting. We will hear from Ashley Corbett, the Director of Communications for the Office of the Bishop, as she walks through what a communications plan might include, why it is worth your time, who should be included, and more. We will make time for you to break up into smaller groups based on your ministry context and consider what it looks like for different ministries. For example, a solo pastor doing the work of communications will likely approach it differently than a full-time communications professional would. There will be time for questions, sharing, and more.

*Recommended and entirely optional reading: Rethink Communication by Phil Bowdle


11-11:30 – Gather, mingle (if you want), eat your lunch (if you bring one), enjoy snacks and beverages like coffee or water (provided)
11:30-12:30 – Topic Time
12:30-1 – Intentional group discussions with shared interest groups you identify with
1-1:30 – Large group discussion and sharing


  • Your own lunch (if you want)
  • A computer or other smart device may come in handy
  • Ideas and resources worth sharing
  • Questions you have about ministry communications
  • Your ministry's mission statement and communications plan (if applicable)


An advance RSVP is not required. But if you can, let us know if you plan to come at the link below. Additionally, if you can't make it this time but are interested in future such events, fill out the RSVP and leave any comments there.


Got questions?

Please use this form to submit any relevant questions ahead of time. Your questions could impact the materials shared or future learning offerings. (Of course, there is no guarantee it will be addressed, and we encourage you to still ask questions in this and other spaces!) Please send any questions you have as they come to mind.


Zoom Details

Join the Zoom meeting (link has been removed) on Tuesday, 11-1:30.

*Is it the proper time and you're having trouble getting on? Further details can be found here.