You probably recognize the question above...
It echoes one asked in a ubiquitous children’s television program by a universally beloved host. But a different host asked a similar question nearly 2,000 years earlier: “Which of these three, do you think, was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?” (Luke 10:36)
Today, we sometimes wonder how the church impacts the communities it serves. What does it mean to live faithfully in our changing neighborhoods? To serve a wide variety of communities? What does it mean to be called to community? How are we connected? And how do we even define “community” in our context(s)?
At the Southeastern Minnesota Synod’s 2024 Fall Theo Retreat, we will ponder what it means to answer Jesus’ call to “go and do likewise” for pastors, deacons, church leaders, laypeople, and congregations, today.
See you in October!

Get Ready...

Watch here to learn more about this year's event and theme.


  • Register online here:
  • Cost:
    • $175 per early bird registration (due September 11)
    • $210 per late registration (available September 12-25)
  • Active pastors and deacons are expected to attend. If you are an active rostered minister in this synod and cannot attend, please contact Bishop Hassanally between September 1 and 15 to discuss. Other synod ministry leaders* and retired rostered ministers are welcome to attend. (*Ministry leaders can include SAMs, TEEMs, and worship and faith formation professionals.)


  • You are responsible for lodging, which is not included in event registration.
  • There are rooms reserved for this event at Stoney Creek Hotel at a special rate.
  • Discounted rate: $99/night (including add-on retreat dates)
  • Deadline for discount: September 11.
  • Use block code: SEMNSynod
  • If booking online, use the block code (above) when asked for a promo or group code.
  • The hotel has a 24-hour cancellation policy.

Stoney Creek Hotel

  • Located in the La Crosse area of Wisconsin
  • Amenities include: a fitness center, indoor/outdoor pool, and outdoor walking trails
  • Visit their website to learn more:


Sunday (Oct. 13)
  • 4-5:45  Registration is open (outside Northwoods Salon)
  • 4-5:45  Bishop's Reception, bar open (outside Northwoods Salon)
  • 5:45  Bishop's welcome and dinner
  • 6:30  Speaker Introductions and Topic Teaser
  • 7:10  Bishop's forum
  • 7:30  Worship
Monday (Oct. 14)
  • *Breakfast on your own (continental breakfast available from the hotel starting at 6:30 AM)
  • 8:30 AM   Session One
  • 10:15  Break
  • 10:25  Session Two
  • Noon  Lunch
  • 1:00 PM  Worship
  • 1:50  Introduce workshops
  • 2-5  Workshop Options
  • *Dinner is on your own!
  • 5:30 PM  Open invitation dinner group meets in lobby
Tuesday (Oct. 10)
  • Breakfast on your own (continental breakfast available from the hotel starting at 6:30 AM)
  • 8:15 AM  Session Three
  • 9:50  Break
  • 10  Session Four: Speaker Panel
  • 11:15  Closing worship
  • Noon  Departure

Add-On Retreat Time: Friday-Sunday, October 11-13

  • This is optional unstructured time. For those who are looking for some extra time to retreat away from everyday life. This could be on your own, with colleagues/friends, family or not,... this is a chance for you to do what you need.
  • This portion is NOT part of the expectations of rostered ministers. That's why we are calling it an "Add-On"!
  • The same discounted lodging rate at Stoney Creek applies to this time, too.
  • But what about Sunday morning? Good question! The Fall Theological Planning Team is putting together a sermon in written and recorded formats for you to use! If you are interested in stepping away, but your Sunday morning role in worship is a hindrance, then download these resources (available in September) for use by your congregation.

Sunday (Oct. 13) Worship Resources

Intended for use by those leaders participating in the Add-On Retreat option.

What to Bring

While it is up to you to bring what you need, here are a few things that you may not have considered:

  • Reusable drinking vessel(s) for water, coffee, tea, etc.
  • An offering will be received, so plan to bring whatever you may want to participate.
  • Outdoor walking shoes.
  • Layers! (Like a cardigan sweater.) The indoor temperatures can fluctuate, so plan accordingly.
  • Note-taking supplies.
  • A yoga mat if you have one and might be interested in the Grief Yoga workshop.
The 2024 Offering Goes to...
The New Ministry Initiatives Fund of the SEMN Synod

God does incredible ministry through the people, congregations, and ministry partners of the Southeastern Minnesota Synod! When we collaborate, possibilities expand. One of the ways we can work together is through the forming of new faith communities! In order to be eligible for churchwide grant dollars for new ministries, synods are required to financially partner as well. The 2024 Fall Theological Conference offering will be directed toward the synod’s New Ministry Initiatives Fund. This account exists to offer a funding pathway for new ministries that will be financially supported through a combination of synod, churchwide, and local dollars.

Donations can be made online at any time or in person at the event. To give online, click below or visit and select the fund "Theo Retreat Offering."

Give Online


On Monday, all participants will have the opportunity to participate in various workshop opportunities. Those include:

  • Christian Nationalism: What it is, Why it Matters, and How We Can Respond (with Rev. Rolf Olson, visitation pastor at Roseville Lutheran Church in Roseville, MN)
  • What We Can Learn from Walt Disney’s Leadership and Hospitality (with Nate Johnson, Program Director at Good Earth Village)
  • Group Hike (with Rev. Matt Larson, Assistant to the Bishop)
  • Grief Yoga (with Rev. Jillene Gallatin and Rev. Collete Broady Grund)
    *Optional: bring your own yoga mat! There will be a limited number provided.
  • Art as Prayer: Sacred Circles (with Mary Thompson, an affiliate of the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration)
  • Informal Q&A Discussion with Speakers (with Rev. Dr. Char Cox, Bishop Yehiel Curry, and Bishop Regina Hassanally)

Learn about the purpose of the Bishop's Fall Theological event here.

Fall Theological Pictures

Sneak a peek at previous fall theological retreats.

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