Lutheran Men in Mission (LMM) provides resources and events for congregations and individuals to help men to be Bold, Daring Followers of Christ. The Southeastern Minnesota (SE MN) LMM Board also encourages men of faith to be involved in men’s ministry in their congregations through our events and sharing of information from LMM.

Men’s Ministry is a vital way of connecting men in congregations.  It is wonderful when pastors and laity find ways to encourage men to grow in their faith.  We encourage those interested in ministry with men to share information regarding LMM resources and promote events organized both locally and nationally.  These include the LMM Bold Gatherings (Live-Streamed or In Person), and the Project XII website.   More info can be found at and  The Master Builders Bible with the Men’s Leadership Guide is also a great tool.  This guide is available in English and Spanish.  It, as well as information about events and other resources, is available at

Breakfast with the Bishop 2024

This event took place on Saturday, April 20, at Cabela's in Owatonna. The keynote speaker was Dwight Tostenson, the CEO and co-founder of The Redemption Project ( Bishop Regina Hassanally shared a devotion.

Read the recap here.

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One Year to Live (OYTL) Men’s Retreat
at Good Earth Village near Spring Valley, MN
May 3-5, 2024

*Registration for this event has reached capacity as of April 10. *

It is an Experience that meets men wherever they are in their lives. It can be impactful for the man who thinks he needs it the most, and the man who thinks he needs it the least.

  • For more information about the retreat, including the brochure, online registration, and video testimonies, go to: Year To Live.
  • Please note Space is Limited. So Register Early to reserve your spot.
  • This event is brought to you by Lutheran Men in Mission (LMM) in collaboration with Good Earth Village and the SE MN Lutheran Men in Mission Board.
  • Feel free to contact either of the following for more information, if needed.
    Lon Buss: 608 516-7875
    Tyler Anderson: 507 346-2494

View/Download the Brochure Here

Ambassador-Gram Newsletter

Find the latest update from Lutheran Men in Mission in the Ambassador-Gram!


SE MN Lutheran Men in Mission Board Members

Larry Iverson: 507-252-1070;; Bear Creek Lutheran Church, Grand Meadow
Russell Tesch: 
507-461-5607;; St. John Lutheran Church, Waseca
Lon Buss: 
608-516-7875;; Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Rochester
Tyler Anderson: 
507-346-2494;; Good Earth Village, Spring Valley

Breakfast with the Bishop 2023

The Southeastern Minnesota Lutheran Men in Mission (LMM) celebrated being able to gather 50+ men and a few women at the Breakfast with the Bishop at Cabela’s in Owatonna on Saturday, April 29th. We were welcomed back by long-time leader Russell Tesch. Tyler Anderson of Good Earth Village led us in prayer. Larry Iverson shared a few stories and jokes, then introduced the SEMN LMM Board Members. Lon Buss led devotions featuring Proverbs 27:20, “As iron sharpens iron, so does one person sharpen another,” and an activity using “Man Talk” cards. He then shared event and resource information from the national Lutheran Men in Mission. Tyler returned to share his experience attending a One Year to Live Retreat last fall. Bishop Regina Hassanally shared her message “Walking Together,” featuring some scripture that included Genesis 2. The message emphasized the importance of not being alone, for both individuals and congregations.

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2022 Highlights

Lutheran Men in Mission will be hosting the National Bold Gathering on October 7-9, 2022 at Carol Joy Holling near Ashland, NE.  More information will be available at Videos and Discussion Questions from previous Virtual Bold Gatherings are also available at this site.

2022 One Year to Live Men’s Retreat “Experiences” in the region.
September 23-25, MacKenzie Center, Poynette, WI
November 11-13, EWALU, Strawberry Point, IA
More information about these and other events and resources can be found at

New Lifelines Small Group Studies and Fathering in 15 are available at  Lifelines focus on Bible stories that explore ageless themes of masculinity and form a deep and lasting foundation for growth, wherever you are on your journey. Fathering in 15 offers the flexibility and convenience that no fatherhood program, workshop, class, or course can offer. Through Project Twelve, we are providing you with full access to this resource at no cost.


2019 Retreat: Finding Your Sweet Spot