March 19, 2020 (updated March 23)
Rev. Matt Larson, Assistant to the Bishop

Everything you already know and do well still applies.  Be who you are: a shepherd to your flock, a leader in this Synod, and a proclaimer of God’s love in Jesus no matter what storms rage around us. 

There are a few things to keep in mind, given the circumstances:

  1. Keep good emotional boundaries, just like you’re keeping physical boundaries.
  2. Take care of yourself so you can take care of God’s people.
  3. Be on guard lest your need to be needed lead to unwise or hurtful interactions.
  4. Level headed leaders are more needed right now than heroes or martyrs. Don’t put yourself or your family at undue risk.
  5. General thoughts here:
  6. Communion is central to what we do, because of this the ELCA has provided guidance on Holy Communion in this time. That guidance can be located in the document Worship in Times of Public Health Concerns found here:

    If you would like to have further conversation about this matter please contact Bishop Hassanally.

  7. Funeral best practices can be found here:
  8. There are great ways to connect to tech savvy parishioners. Primers are readily available for that, especially regarding worship and Zoom for congregational use
  9. Do not neglect low tech care for less tech savvy people! Mail and phone calls are eminently useful.  
  10. CONNECT, CONNECT, CONNECT. You’re likely at home, God’s people are most likely at home, so do whatever you can to connect with them, especially those most anxious and isolated. This will likely be the most significant thing you can do to provide pastoral care. Put your time into connecting with folks.  
  11. Extend grace, and don’t be afraid to ask for it. We’re all trying to do an overwhelming thing, and none of us are going to get it right all the time.  Be gentle with yourself, be gentle with God’s people, and expect the same from them.