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Each year, the campus ministries of this synod pick one Sunday to celebrate Campus Ministry in the congregations. On this day, all congregations are invited to include campus ministry in their worship service(s) in one way or another. Resources will be shared soon (prayers, suggested scripture and hymns, a litany, support guide, and more). Add this day to your worship calendars! If you are interested in having campus ministry students be part of your worship service on this day (or any other day), reach out to a campus pastor for more information. (See below.)


  • Bulletin insert (PDF)
  • Prayer (PDF or Word)
  • Supporting College Students and Campus Ministry (PDF or Word)
  • Worship Resources (PDF or Word)

SEMN Synod Campus Ministries

Lutheran Campus Center, Winona
Serving Winona State University and Saint Mary's University.
Campus Pastor Corrinne Haulotte

Crossroads Campus Ministry, Mankato
Serving Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Campus Pastor Jenna Couch

Visit the synod's Campus Ministry page:


Lutheran Campus Ministry is a network of inclusive faith communities on and near campuses celebrating God’s love and grace at over 240 colleges and universities across the country.

Rooted in the ELCA, campus ministry celebrates our partnerships with other traditions and welcomes people from a variety of faith backgrounds. Grounded in Christ, we live into our identity as Children of God through hospitality, service, justice, integrity, and curiosity.