
The Synod Leader Grant Team is available as a sabbatical resource. The minimum compensation guidelines of the synod include the following guidance: "Congregations are encouraged to consider a sabbatical policy for their rostered ministers. The 1997 ELCA Churchwide Assembly recommended that rostered ministers be granted a period of extended study and renewal, a minimum of 1-3 months every 5-7 years in the current call."

The Synod Leader Grant Team is available to provide support for rostered ministers & church councils as they navigate the ministry of sabbaticals. They can help in the development of congregational sabbatical policies as well as in the facilitating of conversations about the benefits of sabbaticals for both leaders and congregations.

When funding is available, the Synod Leader Grant Team makes available sabbatical grants. In years when sabbatical grants are not available, people may apply instead for a continuing education grant. The application window is generally in the fall and offers grants for sabbaticals taking place the following year. To be in touch with the team, please direct emails to

For a sample sabbatical congregational policy, please review the download at the bottom of the page. For additional grant opportunities, the committee also suggests exploring the Clergy Renewal Grants through the Lilly Endowment: